Trying a vaginal birth following a C-section is something that in many instances will occur with no problems. According to information from medical providers, the rate of success can vary from anywhere from 60% to 80%. With that said, it is extremely important for mothers and families to have as much information available when thinking about an attempted vaginal delivery following a C-section.

As we have stated in the past, it is always a good idea to discuss these issues and your concerns with your medical provider before moving forward with something like this. Having good information will allow for the best possible decision making.

Trying A Vaginal Birth Following A C-Section…

One of the main areas of concern should be whether you are a good candidate for an attempted vaginal delivery following a C-section. One area of concern should be what was the reason for the C-section in the previous delivery? For example, was fetal distress, or a non-reassuring fetal strip the cause, or was it something like the baby being too big to move down the birth canal due to pelvis issues? These are just some of the issues that can be presented with an attempted vaginal delivery following a C-section.

In addition to the above, one should also never be afraid to voice their concerns regarding this process with their doctor and medical professionals. From time to time, mothers and families can feel as if their doctors are not fully answering their questions regarding these issues. Remember, at the end of the day you must do what is best your yourself and your family.

How An HIE Injury Can Occur

When an attempted vaginal delivery occurs following a previous C-section, one of the main areas of concern is a uterine rupture. For women, the rupture can happen at the previous C-section site and in other women, a posterior rupture can happen. A uterine rupture is an emergency because it threatens not only the mother, but also the baby. One type of complication from the rupture is hemorrhaging. When hemorrhaging is present the loss of blood in mom can risk a reduction in blood and oxygen to the baby which can lead to a brain injury like hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy in some instances.

Thanks for reading, from your friends at HIE Resource Place.