Today we will discuss a mother’s contractions and baby oxygen levels. The reason why we will talk with you about this is because we have talked with some individuals about this offline the last couple of days. A mothers contraction pattern is important and so if you have a mom going through labor delivery and she is having too many contractions the medical condition for that is called tachysystole.
Contractions And Baby Oxygen Levels
On average, on the high end a mother will have about five contractions over 10 minutes at analyzed over a 30-minute time span. If mom is having more contractions than that, then that could be evidence of some problems going on with labor and delivery. When mom is having these contractions mom and baby need some time to rest afterwards. With too many contractions coming, mom is not having an opportunity to rest, and baby is not having an opportunity to rest. These things can be problematic especially if there are issues that are being reported on the electronic fetal heart monitor. One of these issues can be a condition called fetal distress.
Contraction patterns can also be manipulated using medication like Pitocin. Doctors can give these medications to mothers to help with contraction patterns. If Pitocin is given then, doctors and nurses must pay close attention to that medication because you do not want to over stimulate the contraction patterns. Doing this can possibly move mom into the area of tachysystole.
To conclude, contractions and baby oxygen levels are important to understand to help allow mom and baby the safest labor and delivery possible. If mom is having too many, like mentioned earlier, that could be a sign that there could be other issues that are occurring in regards to the baby, possibly fetal distress.
Thanks for reading, from your friends at HIE Resource Place.