Maternal Trauma Associated With An HIE Birth

Maternal Trauma Associated With An HIE Birth

Maternal trauma associated with an HIE birth is a topic that is rarely discussed. The idea for this topic came to us from the medical legal aspect of things. This is because in discussion with a birth trauma attorney, many mothers will divulge information that they...
What Are APGAR Scores?

What Are APGAR Scores?

So, the question is what are APGAR scores? In this voice chat we will discuss APGAR scores. This video is a follow-up of a previous video that was brought to our attention which explains the potential signs of a traumatic brain injury immediately after birth. Video...
What Is Meconium?

What Is Meconium?

So, the question is what is meconium? For some mothers, they might notice a discolored substance in their water when it breaks. In other instances, mothers might notice a discolored substance on the baby at delivery. The point of today’s talk is to discuss this...
The Value Of A Second Opinion And Should You Get One?

The Value Of A Second Opinion And Should You Get One?

The value of a second opinion and should you get one? This is a question that can be a struggle for some families after their baby has suffered a brain injury, namely an HIE injury, at birth. As one parent told me, “I want to trust what the doctors are saying but I am...
What Are Developmental Milestones For a Baby?

What Are Developmental Milestones For a Baby?

What are developmental milestones for a baby and why can they be important? More than likely, you have heard the term developmental milestones or progress during a baby’s well check up visits. Developmental milestones are essentially check points of growth for a baby....
Shoulder Dystocia And Compressed Umbilical Cord With HIE

Shoulder Dystocia And Compressed Umbilical Cord With HIE

Some families can become confused when they learn of their baby’s HIE, or hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy diagnosis. Couple this with shoulder dystocia and compressed umbilical cord with HIE, families must take in a lot of information when these issues are present....