
HIE And Seizure Activity

HIE And Seizure Activity Some babies who have HIE may also suffer from seizures. In this educational post, we will examine the connection between the two disorders. HIE and seizure activity can sometimes occur hand in hand, not always, but sometimes. What Is HIE? ...

Understanding Fetal Bradycardia And HIE

Understanding Fetal Bradycardia And HIE In today’s talk we will discuss understanding fetal bradycardia and HIE, in the context of labor and delivery. Fetal bradycardia, for our discussion is when your baby’s heart rate baseline falls below 110 beats per minute....

Will All HIE Babies Develop CP?

Will All HIE Babies Develop CP? The question for today’s discussion is will all HIE babies develop CP, or cerebral palsy? To state the issue another way, how often is CP associated with HIE? In today’s discussion we will discuss HIE and CP in general and...

Placental Insufficiency And Complications

Placental Insufficiency And Complications Placental insufficiency and complications because of the condition can have a serious impact on not only mom, but also baby in some cases. Placental insufficiency, or as sometimes called, placental dysfunction, centers...

Traumatic Brain Injury At Birth Possible Signs

Traumatic Brain Injury At Birth Possible Signs Today we will discuss a traumatic brain injury at birth and the possible signs that can alert parents that a brain injury may have occurred. One type of traumatic brain injury that can be caused by a...

HIE Life Expectancy

HIE Life Expectancy HIE life expectancy is something that many parents are concerned with, especially when they are initially informed of their child’s brain injury. From our experience, HIE life expectancy is a concern...

The Value Of A Second Opinion And Should You Get One?

The Value Of A Second Opinion And Should You Get One?

The value of a second opinion and should you get one? This is a question that can be a struggle for some families after their baby has suffered a brain injury, namely an HIE injury, at birth. As one parent told me, “I want to trust what the doctors are saying but I am...

What Are Developmental Milestones For a Baby?

What Are Developmental Milestones For a Baby? What are developmental milestones for a baby and why can they be important? More than likely, you have heard the term developmental milestones or progress during a baby’s well check up visits....

Using The Fetal Scalp Electrode During Labor & Delivery

Using The Fetal Scalp Electrode During Labor & Delivery One of the most important things that medical professionals want to know during labor and delivery is how well a baby is handling the delivery. In other words, fetal well-being. Fetal well-being can be...

Nuchal Cord And HIE Two Cord Patterns When Around The Baby’s Neck

Nuchal Cord And HIE Two Cord Patterns When Around The Baby’s Neck HIE and two cord patterns when around the baby’s neck. The term for when the umbilical cord is wrapped around a baby’s neck during labor and delivery is called nuchal cord. Not only can nuchal cord...

Why We Care

The HIE Resource Place is a website owned and operated by Boston Law Group, LLC. We are birth trauma legal professionals who help families gain an understanding into the world of HIE. This website is a continuation of our mission (more than 200k views on our YouTube educational video channel) to provide families with an avenue to learn more about their baby’s HIE condition from a medical legal standpoint.

It has been our experience that for many families, when a baby is diagnosed with HIE, there are many questions. From how did the HIE diagnosis occur, to what do we do now, families can experience fear and isolation due to “not knowing what’s next.”

Please use this website to expand your understanding of HIE from a medical legal standpoint and do not hesitate to contact us regarding your questions. If you are wondering, you only pay our legal fees if we win for you and your family. We can be reached for a free discussion and talk about your baby’s story at 1-833-4HIEHELP or 1-833-444-3435.