In today’s voice chat we will discuss admission to the birthing unit and some of the areas of review from the labor and delivery nurse. Please remember that this information is general in nature and is in no way exhaustive as to all the areas of questioning and review.
It has been our experience that for many first-time mothers, who give birth in a hospital or birthing center, there can be anticipation as to what to expect. For specific questions as to your situation remember to voice those to your doctor, or medical professional.
Upon Admission To The Birthing Unit
When a patient is admitted to labor and delivery the nurse will move to determine the reason for the admission. The questions asked will be in furtherance of getting a better picture of the reason for admission. Nurses will then gather the patient’s history and review the prenatal health record. Upon completion of the history and records review, a physical examination of mother and baby will occur.
Within the prenatal history review, the estimated date of delivery, or the EDD will be assessed. The current gestational age will also be determined. If mother has had any complications in pregnancy, the nurse will go over these issues at this time.
Results of any lab tests and ultrasounds will be presented and any medications used during pregnancy will be noted. Mother can also report if there has been any presence of vaginal discharge or bleeding. A review of amniotic fluid levels will be checked. The nurse will also analyze the onset and patterns of contractions as displayed by the electronic fetal heart monitor.
These are just some of the things that your labor and delivery team will perform when regarding your admission to the birthing unit. As we said earlier, for more specific information regarding any issues that you may have currently, speak with your doctor or medical professional.
Thanks for reading, your friends at HIE Resource Place.